Kalaloch Campground, Olympic National Park, WA


It was sunny today so I decided to go swimming. Karen and Christy (Minstrels) were also to go swimming. I went in and nearly froze myself to death. Walked up and down the beach some.


Came up, got dressed, washed, and warmed & went back down to the beach. Karen and Christy were swimming. WOW. They, in particular Christy, had some figures. I couldn't keep my eyes off them. They were the first girls in bathing suits that were sexually attractive that I had seen in about 7 months.

As I was standing there they yelled for me to come in with them. I told them to wait 10 minutes for me to get changed & then I'd be there. As you know I ran all the way back to camp and back. Hell, I wanted a closer look at them. Well Christy & I started out. Karen joined us for a while, then went in.


Christy and I went out to where we usually take them (the waves) at Jones Beach. That was pretty far out. She was scared, and yet exhilarated. She seemed to like having me there (we were holding hands). She kept putting my hand (being held by hers) to her breast. I wondered why but I didn't do much except hold her other hand so that we could bump together more often. She liked being there.

After a while it got too cold for me so we got out. To warm up we played Frisbee (She doesn't play too well but she's learning quickly). After that I laid down on the beach.


Christy took a walk leaving Karen and I alone. We talked, I looked at her (speculatively and erotically). Then we took a walk after Christy. We caught up near the river. Christy went back, so did Karen & I but more slowly. I was apparently making a pass at both of them. That's not too unusual but in this case it was. They were women, WAVES. Any pass I'd make would be turned down. I had no chance.

Yet they were so beautiful & so mature & sophisticated. Also it seemed both of them were out for a guy. Strange.

Up until this point Christy seemed to be tagging along with Karen. Then we separated, got dressed. They went to make a phone call and put a message on the bulletin board.

About then I think my feelings for Christy vs. Karen changed. Karen had a beautiful face and great personality but no body. Christy, when I looked at her, had a beautiful face, character (she was very interesting, hippyish), and body. I wanted her but was too unsure to make a pass.


We went over to look into buying some firewood. Karen left. Christy started flirting (outrageously) with the firewood man and his four drinking (and drunk) friends. She seemed to want to go with them skinny dipping to a beach they knew. I didn't know if she wanted me to bug off or not. Eventually I stayed.

We had a little to drink & we talked & exchanged dirty jokes. It was fun but uneasy. Finally we left after they said they were going swimming in the ocean. When we got back the girls decided to go in with them. I reluctantly changed also. (That shows how much I wanted a girl).

When we got down to the beach they were nowhere to be seen. We went in anyhow. All three of us went way out to where the waves were breaking (Jones Beach again).


Finally I got cold and decided to go in again. I found that the tide was coming in and we were on a sandbar with deep water behind us. I went back out and got the girls. Explained to them & told them we might have to swim some.

We did and against undertow, too. I was afraid. Christy was even more afraid. Karen was afraid too. Luckily we made it. We were all freezing cold. All of us were shivering, blue and with teeth chattering.

We decided to go up and cook supper. They invited me to have frankfurters. Naturally I agreed. It was a change of food and another chance (more time) to talk to them.

My hands were shaking so much I could just barely light the matches to light the fire to cook the franks. At supper I was told that they weren't WAVES. (They were very flattered at the way I had described them.) I was surprised but took it in stride.

This was one of the very few times in my life that I've ever had a hard time lighting a fire. Only in hindsight do I know how much trouble we were in - at the time, I knew it was serious, but didn't that we were that close to possibly loosing our lives. My Guardian Angel must really have been watching over me!


Karen had wanted to see where I lived but she went to bed so I started to show Christy (Devious motive there). There was a Search and Rescue Mission offshore. I suggested that the two of us go watch. She readily agreed.

While standing there Karen joined us. Luckily, and oh how luckily, Murray came over and decided to join Karen. The four of us sat down - Christy one-eighth of an inch from me. She started leaning against me. I leaned back and put my arm around her. After a while we kissed. Murray was at that time asking us a question. We didn't hear. He and Karen smiled and knew what was up. We got up and started to walk back to my camp.

Karen & Murray came up behind us walking faster. We stopped & went to her camp to be alone to sit and neck. Was very inconvenient and cold on the bench. Finally I convinced her that Karen wouldn't mind if we went to my camp and went into the tent. We folded the maps and did that.

Karen & Murray came by to find out where we were. Christy was scared. I shooed Karen & M away and everything was alright again. Such problems I'd love to have all the time.

This is not us, but I suspect we looked like this to everyone around us.


That was a delicious night. She was very cooperative with me. She wanted me so much. She's really very, very beautiful with frizzy hair, no glasses and no shirt on. I took her shirt (with a small fight) off and her bra and loosened her pants. She is the most delicious kisser I have ever known (save Cheryl). We open-mouth kissed almost all night. It was so nice - tongue to tongue. The only bad influence was her constant concern over how Karen would feel about her.

She kept saying Karen wouldn't understand. About 12:00 Karen came over to urge Christy to come back to her own bed. Christy said, “OK, in another minute.“ That minute stretched into another even more delicious 2 hours. Then Christy finally and very reluctantly went back. I was so happy.

Christy has more than an ok body. She has a great body. If you don't think so, see Ernest T Bonacum

What a joy it was to write this! Such pleasant memories!

Karen was and is a very understanding, not so innocent person.