Seattle, WA


Woke up next morning and went down to Saltwater St Park to make breakfast. Bacon and eggs. Had two of em, delicious. We had decided not to see each other that day so I had the whole day to waste.

I repacked the car after breakfast then headed for Boeing Field to see some Apollo spacecraft that were supposed to be there. They weren't. I had a terrible time in the city traffic again.

I went up to the University instead (The city museum is near the University). I got lost and ended up in the U. Decided to walk around. It's huge. They have 37,000 students. It has new and old (1950) buildings. Both are beautiful. There are open green spaces all around. Trees too. Stony Brook is tiny compared to it.


Remember the big, open slate quadrangle? I was carrying Mortimer and attracting a lot of attention that way. He meowed all the time and wanted to roam. He was really a pest but I didn't want to leave him locked in the car. After an hour or so I got fed up and tired so I headed back to the car.

Read some bulletin boards. Rents are cheap out here.

Got in the car and drove over to the museum. Was much like the Smithsonian in Washington, DC. They had all kinds of exhibits. I stayed till closing time, then, since it was 5:00, I went to Saltwater to camp for the night.


They had showers but I was too full - I cooked 1 lb of old hamburger meat and ate it. I had run out of ice and everything was hot. I slept out in the open that night - plastic, air mattress, sleeping bag, and tarp. The army jacket did very well that night keeping me warm.

Walked down to call up Christy. Couldn't get her right away - watched the sun set over the Cascade Mtns. Beautiful. Also beautiful was seeing Mt Rainier from the freeway. It is extremely beautiful. I can see why so many people love this country.

Christy and I talked for a while then we had to hang up to let her father make a call. She called back then we talked till some other people came by and wanted the phone.

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$90 for two bedroom Apt in suburbs