Richardson Grove St Park, California


Woke up early. Saw small drops on tent, decided it was either raining or the sun hadn't come up yet. It wasn't shining on the tent as usual. Decided to leave and go see the Redwoods. Packed up while eating two peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for breakfast. Was cold.

Drove through Redding, gassed up, and continued on what I thought should have been a short journey. Actually took 8 hours. I had figured on 6 hrs. Was right but Park charged $3.00 a night so I drove on to some other parks that were on the map. They charged the same so I stopped. Had a headache all this time. Still have it. Ugh.


Stopped in Richardson Grove St Park - there are no National Parks around here. It's by a river - big open field with large, spread out, low branched leafy trees. Another camp is in the Redwoods - dampish there. It's nice here. It's nice and warm. Can go swimming in the streams. Also somewhat warm. Have hot showers - Ohhhhh!

Redwood trees are big Very impressive but I like mountains and seas better. I intend to move on tomorrow.

Headache is going to kill me I think.

Campfire was nice with people singing and playing the guitar. Then I went back to my open air domicile and went to sleep.

x x x x x x x

Tues see

Bob Sumner

570 Colusa

Berkley, Calif
