From Christy, December 17th, 1971



So you are going to WSU! Yes write me. I know several people who go there. Maybe you'll run into them. What will you be taking?

I'm getting excited for Christmas. I hope we have some snow. I went skiing in the mountains last Fri. Wow. It was really great. You ought to be able to ski at Pullman.

Have a wonderful Christmas!

Blessings & Joy

P.S. It was really nice getting your card! I was pleasantly surprised.

From Christy, February 8th, 1972


Jan 30, 1972

Dear Ernie,

Thanks so much for your letter. It was good to hear that despite everything (all the stops) you made it to Pullman.

So you only have 2 inches of snow, huh? Well we have about 2 ft. The drifts are much deeper. What fun! And it is so cold! It was 19 degrees last night. Isn't that outrageous? The snow is so dry you can't even make a snowball much less a snowman. Today and yesterday were so clear + bright + blue + cold. It gives a person such an alive feeling. We didn't have school Tues, or Wed. & I didn't do a bit of homework. Shame on me.

You didn't tell me what you are taking over there. I can't figure out why you picked Pullman. Ya know what Pullman's nick-name is? "The Cow College". I guess it used to be purely agricultural. My Dad went there. How do you like it? Have you met many people? A friend of mine is in the same dorm as you are. His name is Ivan Husa. He's a real nice guy. He's taken me out several times. We graduated together. I know his roomie - Byron Trafton too. I know a bunch of people there. Who's your roomie? Do you like him?

I have been so busy this year. College is sure different. So much responsibility. I guess I can't stay a kid forever. I really like the U though. It is exciting. So many different kinds of people and so much to learn! If only I can get right down and apply myself. I should be studying now instead of writing to you. If I get D's it's your fault.

Next weekend I hope to get off work + go to a place called "Warm Beach" with Campus Crusade. I have met so many great people in that. They really care for you as a person. Did I tell you anything about Vancouver? If I didn't write + tell me + I'll tell ya all about it. One can learn so much on these retreats. Vancouver really helped straighten my head out. I learned that we are never more acceptable to the Lord than right now. He wants us right now as we are. He'll take us from where we are now and set us on His path and he'll show us gradually, as we can accept it, His plan for our lives. Isn't that neat. I'm sending you this little pamphlet that a girl showed me. It really meant a lot to me because it in a way "convicted me". I felt it was true. Tell me what you think of it.

I really ought to start reading my Botany now. Write again when you can + thanks for your letter.

Love Christy

P.S. I mailed this so late. I just got back from Warm Beach.

Warm Beach Conference Center

x x x x x x x x


From Christy, March 17th, 1972

This letter had two letters and a set of songs in it. The first was typed on March 8th and the second was written on March 16th.

x x


x x


March 16


Thanks for your letter. It was very nice. I can imagine how lonely you must be, especially on Sundays. You ought to go to church. Don't they have some services on campus? I know they have a lot of kids who are involved in Campus Crusade for Christ. You ought to go to one of their meetings if you hear about them cause they are so friendly + maybe you would like it. Promise me you will go?

I finish Finals yesterday + boy is that a good feeling. Free. I was really freaked out about them, very depressed but I gave it to the Lord + He just gave me a peace about them. I took them + they weren't as hard as I thought they would be.

I'm going hiking next week with some friends. I haven't decided on a place yet. It will have to be fairly low cause of the snow. I can hardly wait.

The weather the past couple of days has been so warm + sunny. Is it spring? Yesterday Mom & I were out digging in the yard. Those weeds sure accumulate fast!

I might work at either Crater Lake or Mt. McKinley Nat. Parks this summer. I had interviews at the U. + it looks good. Wouldn't that be great?

Have a great Easter!

Love through Christ,

From Christy, June 15th, 1972



Explo '72 was an evangelistic conference sponsored by Campus Crusade for Christ, planned and directed by Paul Eshleman. Explo '72 has been called the most visible event of the 1970s Jesus movement, and came to be associated with the same, even though its primary attendees were not directly involved in that movement.

It was held in various locations in Dallas, Texas from June 12 to June 17, 1972, with a nightly gathering in the Cotton Bowl. Its goal was to gather 100,000 high school and college students together to train them in personal evangelism, with a vision toward world evangelism, and to encourage attendees to seek some form of Christian service career.

Attendance at the conference was estimated at 80,000, with about 95% from a white background, fewer than 3000 black attendees, and an international representation of 75 countries. Most of these were middle class high school and college students.

The daily schedule included evangelism classes and seminars in the daytime, with hands-on exercises in the afternoon. Nightly events at Cotton Bowl features bands, well known preachers, and pro players from various sporting teams.

Billy Graham spoke on six different occasions during the event including the final event which was a public, eight-hour long, Christian music festival on Saturday, June 17, 1972. Dubbed "The Christian Woodstock", the event drew an estimated attendance between 100,000 to 200,000. Newsweek described the crowds as being "militant Christians." Featured artists were Love Song, Larry Norman, Randy Matthews, The Archers, Children of the Day, Johnny Cash, and Kris Kristofferson. The festival was held on a huge open swath of land just north of downtown Dallas that had been cleared for construction of the Woodall Rodgers Freeway. The excavation for this highway linking Interstate 35 and US75 would forever obliterate the festival site.

Many conservative Christian groups were critical of Explo '72 for its ecumenical involvement with both Protestant and Roman Catholic ministries, and for its use of rock music. The event attracted Jesus movement fringe groups, including the Children of God and the Christian World Liberation Front.

From Christy, July 13th, 1972

July 2, 1972



Thanks for your letter. Its too bad you had to go through so many hassles getting home. I didn't realize it was so hard for guys to get rides. Hitchhiking is legal now in WA. Its about time.

I have been so busy since school got out. First there was Explo. That was really an experience. I'm so thankful the Lord let me go. I met so many “on fire ” Christians. Listening to Billy Graham + Bill Bright was really inspirational too. We all gathered at the Cotton Bowl to hear them. Was that ever something - Can you imagine a whole stadium filled with Christians? I think the most important thing the Lord taught me is that He has a plan for my life. If I choose to follow Him it will reveal this plan to me + give me the strength to follow him in His Way. God's plan for my life is the best plan too. Not just a good one. It is the best. It is the most abundant + rewarding life I could lead. I really desire to live in the Way of the Lord. I want His plan because I know it is the best.

This week I went back-packing in the Olympic Nat. Park along the coast. It is a primitive area. The only way into it is by boat or walking in. I really loved it. We even had sunshine. It made me realize that God has made such a beautiful world for us to live in. Man often misuses + ruins this world because he doesn't understand that God loves him and has given it to him to be used by man to give glory to God. It was beautiful there. I went with the 8th & 9th grades of a few Lutheran Churches in this area. There were 11 of us all together including the 2 other chaperones, Patsy (21) & Craig (22). We had a great time. We met several bears. One climbed the tree where we had my pack strung up with the food & ate all our brown sugar plus some bubble gum! I saw a deer ahead of me on the trail one morning too. It was exciting. I really felt a part of the world as God created it. I'm sure that Craig & Patsy & the kids felt that way too.

I'm at work now writing you this letter. I've been so busy. I've been home alone all weekend but I've had so much to do that now is the only spare time I get. Kaya is camping with a friend at Mt. Rainier. Mom is in Norway for the summer. Dad, Shirley & Ellen are in Wilber til the 5th. Only Pepsi is home with me. Kaya is coming home tonight though. I wonder what we are going to do for the 4th. I have to work til 4 but after that I've got to do something exciting.

July 11

I am going to get this letter off today or else.

I hope your 4th was good. Mine was despite the fact that I had to work til 4. Karen & I went to Mercer Island after I got off to listen to a Jesus Rock Concert at a church there where Allan (K's boyfriend) was in the group. It was really good. A big crowd & even fireworks.

Sunday Shirley & I got back from another church trip. This time it was just camping. We went to Twin Harbors which is on the coast. It was a lot of fun despite the rain & wind. We played football on the beach & body surfed & beach combed.

Well I'd better sign off. I hope you are having a very good summer. Are you working?

Peace & Joy in Him

From Christy, August 26th, 1972

August 26, 1972



Thanks for your letter! You're so good about writing & I really like getting letter from you. By now you know that I am a terrible letter writer. Please forgive.

Your letter was so funny Ernie! I just died laughing. I know its not funny to have a smashed finger or a lost wallet or a stolen boat but it was just the way you wrote it. Everything really did pile up. How is your finger now? Did the nail fall off? Also did you get you wallet back?

In answer to your question; no the bear didn't hurt my pack. He just slobbered all over it. I was really surprised the he didn't rip it at all. (Boy is this letter sloppy).

This has been a very busy summer for me and I have had a wonderful time. I'm still working at the nursing home & I have been helping lead all the jr. hi activities for the Lutheran churches in this end of Seattle. The kids are so much fun. The boys just tease me something terrible but I just give it right back to them so we have a great time. It is good having a relationship like that with them but sometimes they don't mind me as I would like them to.

Last week we went on a backpack trip to Kennedy Hot Springs which is right at the foot of Glacier Peak. The hike in was great but the 1st night it rained & we had about 5 wet sleeping bags. Messy. Craig lead it again. He is a really neat guy. I am beginning to like him an awful lot. We see so much of each other. He's never asked me out. He's so shy, at least when anything romantic comes up. He's a strong Christian though & I really like that. We don't agree about a lot of things but we are very similar. I know he likes me as a friend but I don't know if its anything more than that. How does one go about finding out?

Ernie I hope you don't mind me talking about another guy like that but I just wanted to tell you & get any advice you might have 'cause we have always been fairly honest with each other. Any comment?

I babysat the pastor's kids for 4 days last week. My gosh! What hellions! That was an experience.

Our old station wagon has croaked off. Kaya & I are going crazy 'cause we have practically no transportation.

Went to Rainier Tues. with Craig & Al (pastor) & the jr. hi. kids. We took a short hike to the Nisqually glacier. It was really beautiful. The flowers were all in bloom - most of the snow had melted. The mountain didn't show though. The clouds covered it.

Joy in Christ & love

P.S. Thanks for the Explo article.

From Christy, September 20th, 1972



This is going to be just a hurried note.

I was wrong about there being a game Sat. It isn't here, it's away. I don't know how I got that mixed up. When I told Kaya about the game, she told me weren't going to have one so I panicked & had to send this off to you. I am working at 5 anyway so come earlier. 11 o'clock would be good. Maybe we can go shopping? I have to get a pair of shoes amp; it might be fun to try on some clothes. What do you think? Anyway call before you come.

We definitely need to talk. Boy I hope you get this before you leave.


From Christy, October 26th 1972

Oct 25

Dear Ernie,


Well it's been a while since I've written so I thought I'd better send this off to you. How has school been? Is your van in working order?

School has been quite interesting for me this quarter. I especially like my geology class. We had a field trip to Mt. Rainier a week & half ago. It was beautiful. Blue sky & no clouds. The mountain was spectacular. We climbed around on the debris from the 1963 rock slide from Little Tahoma Peak & the Emmons Glacier. It was fascinating.

I'm a little behind in my reading but that isn't anything unusual. So far I haven't had any tests. Midterms are coming up next week though.

I went on a Crusade retreat last weekend. I really learned alot. We heard talks on the Fatherhood of God. It was good fellowship too. We sang about a million songs and had a good time together.

Lately I have been very involved with stuff going on at church. I spend alot of time there. It is becoming frustrating too because it just seems that our church is so off track. The church is just concerned with social issues (at least our church) & not with the hearts of men. That isn't the way Jesus worked. He first came to change the insides of men. When that happens the outside will automatically be changed. For example, there will always be racial prejudice in the U.S. no matter how much bussing & integration there is. The only way that will ever change is to change the inside of people & Jesus is the only one who can do that. He is the only one who can replace hate with love. It makes me mad that some churches are too chicken to take a firm stand on the Gospel. This doesn't mean that we should ignore social issues, far from it, but the church's main concern should be that all men hear the Good News. End of sermon.

Well I can't spend more time on this letter because I have to get some reading done (I'm at work). Write when you can.

God Bless You,
Love Christy

P.S. Happy Halloween! Eat a lot of candy & get fat!

From Christy, December 15th 1972


Dear Ernie,

How are ya? I don't know if this will get to you. When are you coming to Seattle for vacation?

Fri. (yesterday)


I had 2 finals & I had to turn in a final paper. This night I thought I would go out of my mind. So I prayed about it & the Lord really came through. He helped me stay calm & just trust in him to recall all that I knew. I think I did well on both finals & the paper. I am so happy. It is such a great feeling to have all that behind you. It is like a heavy burden lifted off your shoulders.

Now I have time to think about Christmas! This isn't your Christmas card from me. I bought this box of cards thinking it was just stationary. Oh well.

Last Sun evening I went to a 50's dance at a church. It was so much fun. I love to dance & it was good just to do all the old dances. I went in petal pushers & a ponytail & charm bracelet. Everybody was dressed in 50's attire. There were even a couple of greasers in leather jackets.

We have been having the coldest weather here. It hasn't gotten above 30 degrees in about a week. Last night it snowed about 1/4 inch. It is so Christmasy!

In Him,             

From Christy, December 20th 1972


“There was the true light which, coming into the world, enlightens every man. He was in the world, and the world was made through Him, and the world did not know Him. He came to His own, and those who were His own did not receive Him. But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, even to those who believe in His name: who were born not of blood, not of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.

And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, glory as of the only begotten from the Father, full of grace and truth.”

John 1:9-14

Ernie, the best thing I could wish for you for Christmas is that these words become real for you. And I do wish just that.


David and Betsy Wedding Invitation, January 12th 1973


From Christy, January 23rd 1973

Jan 21, 1973



I forgive you. Will you forgive me for being so snobbish? I didn't mean to indicate in the letter that I didn't want to go to the wedding. I do want to go very much. Betsy sent me an invitation last week. I am looking forward to going with you. I realize you have alot to do. Don't worry about me. If there is something you want me to do, just ask.

I went skiing yesterday with the youth from the church. We went to Crystal Mt. I have never skied so much in my life. It was great!

See ya soon.

Joy in Him,

From Christy, January 12th, 1973




This is going to be a long letter & it is not a love letter & it is not long because I have a lot of endearing things to say. It is merely long because I want to explain a few things & tell you a few things.

Tonight is Sat. I got off the phone with you not long ago & the only reason I'm writing so soon after talking to you is that I have the energy & inclination. That's all. This might be a bit brutal, but I hope not. I just want to be completely honest & frank.

To begin with, I am still very much interested in Craig. I know when I wrote you about him before you didn't like it so I didn't write about him again. Since I wrote you we have gone out a couple of times & see each other frequently on church retreats or just casually. Nothing much has developed. However, like I said, I am still very much interested.

You think that if I saw you in a different light it might spark some romantic interest in me towards you. You think that I don't know all of your sides, that I haven't seen you at your best or something. But Ernie, I know you. Perhaps I haven't seen you at your best, I am sure I haven't seen you in many different settings but if you are totally different in some other setting, then I wouldn't want to know you then. You can't change like a chameleon (or however it is spelled) to meet the situation. That is phony. True, people act differently around different people & in different situations but it shouldn't be that much. Say that we did meet in a different place, say N.Y.C. down 5th Ave. or something & I fell in love with you at that instant. What did I fall in love with? Ernie Bonacum? or NY City & 5th Ave?

I know you! I don't know all about you, I don't know what makes you tick all the time & yet I know you. You know me too & yet somehow you have made me out to be someone I'm not. You would like to cast me in a role I'm not interested in playing. That's brutal but it's true. You might be hurt by that statement but I hope that you can take it and go on from there.

(cont. on outrageous green paper)

You want me to know who you are but do you know who you are?

Do you like what you are? Would you like to change yourself in any way? Sometime I get the feeling that you have an inferiority complex. Do you? Everyone would like to change things about themselves. But we can't really change for the better until we find out what we are changing. Who are you? That's a big question. It can't be answered with a list of our likes & dislikes or a list of the places we have been, the people we know or even what we know. I can best answer that question with what I believe because that includes where I'm going. Do you know where you are going? What would you like to spend your life doing? Can you feel anything is worth pursuing for a lifetime?

When we talk & what you write to me about usually deals with what's been happening. The keggars, the studyless nights, the goofing off & good things too like plain old fun, good poetry, etc. But those are emotional things; not that one has to laugh or cry but only that they appeal to our emotions. That isn't very clear but anyway that isn't all you are. We aren't totally emotion. We all have intellectual & spiritual needs too. I think the intellectual needs are obvious. We all need constructive things to think about & work on. But the spiritual needs are not so well understood. (I am not in any way qualified to lecture you or write you this letter but I am anyway.) All people have within them spiritual yearnings, We all need to know just why we are here. Is there any purpose outside of the fact that we live & die? Does it matter at all what we do with this life of ours? Does anybody care? If there is such a thing as love, does anybody love me??

I think most religions try to give answers to these questions. Philosophy tries to answer them too. These are spiritual concerns, not all of them, but some of them. Are you straightened out spiritually, Ernie?

I think I have answered most of those questions & I'm happy with the answers. I still question some of them, sometimes I even doubt but I always believe. I believe there are answers. I don't know all of the answers by any means; but I believe that if I pursue them I will find them. Spiritual truths are very important things. But many people place very little value on them. They don't care about their spiritual well being. They only care about their emotional and intellectual well being. Many people are emotionally committed to someone or something. But I believe that only those who are spiritually committed are truly happy. As long as someone is going to be spiritually committed to something it may as well be the best, right? So I choose Jesus.


Here I am at work. I hope I can finish this letter & mail it out.

I've forgotten about what we talked about over the phone. So consequently I've forgotten what I wanted to write you. I did want to tell you though not to plan on me going to N. York with you this summer. I hope to have a full time job this summer & also I really don't want to go. Can you understand that? It isn't because I don't like you.

I will go to Dave's wedding with you if you want me too but don't expect any vacations together. It seems that when you do want to see me its as girlfriend/boyfriend & not just friends. True, you demand very little of my time but it's what you demand that bugs me. I won't come to Pullman. It is just not worth the trip for me. There are all kinds of differences between me & you on this point. I have all kinds of friends here in Seattle not only at school but at church to whom I like to spend a lot of time with. I'm sure you have friends back in N.Y. whom you liked to spend time with. As it is now, Dave is one of the few people you know (Mercer Is.) outside of those who live at Pullman & probably you don't know a great many people at WSU closely. You have a few friends whom you would like to spend time with & I have a lot I like to spend time with & practically all are here in Seattle. Also besides Craig, there are a couple of guys I'm interested in at school. They occupy my thoughts quite often. But mostly Craig. I get the feeling that I occupy your thoughts quite often. I wish that another girl more compatible to you would take my place. I really would like to see you get a girl who shares a lot of your feelings.

So Ernie don't expect much from me. Please try to change your attitude about me.

Now back to less profound things....

Do you have snow at WSU? Its still on the ground here & colder than anything. Kaya & I are thinking of skipping school tomorrow & going skiing but I don't know for sure. We went skiing New Years Day at Stevens Pass with my cousin Ron. Ron goes to the U. too. I love skiing; too bad it costs so much.

At church I am beginning a Bible study for Hi school & college age youth. Patsy's brother Jim is going to help me lead. He'll probably do most of the leading so I shouldn't say “help me”. I really hope that works out. I've been praying about it. I know its the Lord will so He will be in charge.

My classes are coming along ok. I really enjoy my chemistry class. The labs are interesting. My math class is boring & my Bible at lit. is good most of the time.

You'll be having finals soon. Let me know how they come out. Study hard. Don't goof off.


P.S. I know I sad alot of things in this letter that I can't say I do, so forgive that. I think I learned something writing this.

P.S. again. Do you really like Rod McKuen? He seems so mushy.

From Christy, March 3rd, 1973

Fri night March 2

Dear Ernie,


Thanks for your letter. It was my turn to write. As usual I have been busy. That is an understatement. Sometimes it seems if I stand still a moment to ponder, then the world rushes right past me. This is only in regards to studying though.

Why do you write letters (sometimes, not always) like it is the last thing you'll ever write? Were you off on something when you wrote that last page? I have never torn up a letter of yours & I'm not planning to. I hate to throw anything away and letters are certainly no exception. As a matter of fact I save all the letters I get, including yours. This is probably a mistake. I mean what can I do with letters from years back? I file them chronologically according to who wrote them. You really have a huge stack. Use thinner paper from now on, will ya? The stack is really getting large (kidding).

That's great about you getting to live off campus out of the dorms. It'll be a test of your maturity & responsibility. I have always thought I've missed out not living away from home. It will be good for you if you don't go wild & get so excited that you fail to forget remember you're in school. I mean to remember. (It was a good thing I found that mistake. I could have had you quite confused!)

Guess what? I have the most wonderful job for summer! I am going to be the junior high youth worker for the Lutheran churches in this area of Seattle. Isn't that exciting? I did alot of work with the junior high kids last summer so I really have experience. Dick (our bachelor pastor) & Al (another young unmarried pastor) asked me if I would like to be the youth worker. It is so neat because just a few days earlier I had been praying that the Lord would pick out a job for me for the summer. I had gone to the employment office at the “U” & applied & then this came up. What an answer to prayer!

It only pays for part-time so I'll keep my job at the nursing home (which is part-time during the summer) so it will work out fine. The Lord is so neat.

Lately I have really fallen behind in school. Chemistry is a fog & math is becoming a little clearer. I really haven't been spending enough time studying. It seems all my time is divided between church & school. I think the Lord is showing me that I have to spend a little more time on school. There is just one week left of classes. How can the quarter go so fast??? This weekend I am going to study for at least 20 hrs. (hopefully). I am missing my cousin Johnny's wedding in Portland cause I have so much to study. Kaya & everyone else is going - Darn. I would really like to see him get married. He & Kaya & I used to really have a lot of fun when we were younger.

How are Betsy & Dave? Have you seen much of them?

We've been having pretty great weather over here too. Last week was beautiful. The sun was shining the whole time. Kaya & I skipped a day of classes and went up skiing thurs. (last). Boy it was something! No lift lines. Hardly any people at all. I skied in a tea shirt & a light sweater. It got hot! Got a fantastic tan on my face plus a million freckles. The snow wasn't so good though. There were rocks exposed in some places that you really had to look out for. But it was so neat skiing in the sun & with hardly any people. Kaya & I packed a lunch up to the top of the lift & ate at the top of the mountain. What a view. We even went to the bathroom (behind a tree) up there. There was nobody around. On a weekend we could never get away with that!

Yesterday we had a thunder & lightning storm. Oh I love those. They are so fantastic to watch.

Better go. It is 8:00 & time to leave. (I am at work). Thanks for your letter.


From Christy, December 6th, 1973

Dec. 5

Dear Ernie & Keithie,


How are you boys behaving yourselves? Hope you are being good!

Just wanted to tell you that I had a very nice time seeing “American Grafettie” (or however it is spelled). We ought to do that again sometime. Well, is school over for you both yet? I can't remember if you told me or not. The 12th is the last day of classes for me. I have a couple of finals after that but they shouldn't be too bad. The problem is getting all my papers written by the 12th.

Have a safe trip back to N.Y. Ernie. I hope you have a blessed Christmas there. I'll send you a card there. And Kiethie, you have a blessed Christmas on Vashon (or is it Bainbridge?).

Love     (& a big wet kiss & hug - not necessarily a wet hug!)

From Christy, December 20th, 1973


Dear Ernie,

Have a blessed Christmas at home!

Love Christy

From Christy, February 15th, 1974

Fri night March 2

Dear Ernie,


It was your turn to write & didn't you get my card in N.Y.? I haven't stopped writing in any case.

I'm glad you had a nice Christmas with your family. That was good to hear. I hope some of your family can visit you. Did you spend New Year's in NY or at WSU? Bet it was wild.

Craig took me to a party of some friends of his from P.L.U. We were the only single couple there. It was really fun though. Craig is the guy you told me never to write you about. I think that is unreasonable so I'm mentioning him. You write about other girls & it doesn't bother me. Anyway the neat thing about the party (New Years) was that there was a lot of hard booze & Craig only had a couple of drinks so he was perfectly sober to drive me home. I really like that when a guy is that considerate & he is that much more interesting to talk to when the conversation is intelligent.

Last night there was a movie at church for the jr. hi. I planned it. The movie (which I had to order from Portland - cost $27.50) was called The Nun's Story & told me it will be on T.V. tonight. That's disgusting! We were having trouble with the projector too. By the time that was fixed, most all of the kids had gone downstairs creating havoc where ever they went. Someone got out the fire extinguisher & sprayed water on the walls! What a group!

I have been babysitting the pastor's kids for 2 weeks while he & his wife are in Mexico for their 25th anniversary. That has been wild too.


Sat 26,

Hello again. I finally got back to this letter. Are finals over for you now?

I started school the 7th - I'm taking some interesting classes. I really like 2 of my profs so I hope this will be a good quarter.

Went to PLU last night to see Karen & Craig & Mike (an old friend from church who has been dating Karen). Karen had wanted me to come down for so long. It was nice to see everyone.

I am so tired! Please forgive me if I fall asleep before I end this letter. We didn't get much sleep last night. I came back today. Boy am I sleepy.

Tell Squatch “hi” from me and anybody else there that I know.


From back of envelope

Ernie, sorry this letter has taken so long. I couldn't find any of your old letters with your address. Please put your address on your letters. I finally found a letter with your address on it in an old stationary box. So sorry. Happy Valentines day! & Happy Washington's birthday & all that.

Love Christy

From Ernie, not sent, 1974?


Christy, it's late at night again after a long hard night of studying and I'm listening to songs + feeling very sentimental and sad + lonely and I want you to know, even though I'll never send this to you, that I love you.


This song captures how I felt at that moment.

    Don't Turn Around by Neil Diamond