Kalaloch Campground, Olympic National Park, WA


June 18th for real. Rained last night. Sleeping bag got a little wet. I had a very good nights sleep though.


When I woke up it was raining but not hard so after breakfast I went for a walk down the beach to a group of rocks. Must have been about 2 miles. It was nice.

They have millions of crabs here. They're about twice as big as ours. Their seaweed comes in long strips (like bullwhips). It starts with a bulb with flat “leaves“ on top and extends downward in an ever thinner tube. It's about 20 - 30 ft long. I saw pieces of sand dollars.


I wonder why these clouds keep following me? The car is all wet on the inside because I left the cap off the cooler when I put it in the car last. I'm trying to dry everything out but it's not easy. Blankets don't dry quickly. And I only had about 4 hours of drying time yesterday anyway. This is terrible. Now it's nightime.


A girl I met who was sad & lonely was supposed to come by. She walked by me 3 times, she sat on a log for 20 minutes, she did everything to show she wanted companionship. The only thing she didn't do was come over and start speaking - Too shy. I don't think she'll come.


It's been raining here off and on all day. Everything is wet but not soaked. I finally bought a plastic tarp to put over the tent. Now maybe it will be dry. I have to wait for a sunny day to fix it up right though.

Every place out here is misty. It's like constantly being in the fog. There are still girls here but not loads of them. The rain drives them indoors but not into my tent. I must try harder.