Kalaloch Campground, Olympic National Park, WA


I woke up about 7:00. The Girls weren't awake yet. I had decided to treat them to a homemade pancake breakfast. I made some coffee for myself (Yech!) and waited for them to wake up.

About 8:00 they finally did. They liked the pancakes. Then they decided that the three of us should go to Port Angeles and do laundry (Because I told them I had laundry and shopping to do and wanted to go to Port Angeles.)


At the last minute Karen said the two of us should go alone. I thought she planned it that way (that we should be alone). We, of course, agreed and went.

On the drive up there, which was a long one, we talked. It made her like me even more. She is a good conversationalist. On the way we were cold and damp. We stopped at a Visitor Center. She wanted some postcards. She wanted to pay for them but she forgot her wallet. I simply bought them for her. She liked that but also didn't want me to spend the money.


We finally got to P.A. I parked the car and we started walking hand in hand down toward the lumber docks. For some reason I didn't act normally to her. I kept letting go of her hand. I didn't hold her around her waist. I didn't stroke her hand or anything. I don't know why. I think Emily is still poisoning me.


We kept stopping and open-mouth (French Kissing) kissing. Right in the middle of the sidewalks with all the people watching. It was somewhat (only a very little) embarrassing. I loved it. She was paying so much attention to me. I think she must have wondered why I didn't pay as much attention back. I'm very glad she didn't ask.

At the car, she asked me to wear my hat. She liked it! That made me feel like we were two hippies walking along. Which we were. It was fun being looked at.

We walked into this knickknack-antique store and wandered all around it looking at the ancient photographs, newspapers, china, crystal, and tools. Oh loads of things. She was so beautiful in her long frizzy hair.


After that we walked down to a log storage area (kissing all the way). Then we turned around and walked up Main Street. We had, by now, decided we were crazy hippies and that we ought to have a real good time. Started giving the peace sign and hellos to everybody. People, in general, were good and nice. Not all of them however.

We saw this Pro-America store. You know - praising Hoover, Nixon, putting down hippies, declaring that we should fight to win in Vietnam, etc. We stared for about 5 minutes at the guy.


We also saw this small store - a luncheon and hangout for the local kids. We stopped and looked in. The cook-owner gave us the peace sign. I returned a two finger devil sign. How embarrassing. I corrected myself. We stood outside, kissed, laughed, tried to apologize through the window. We decided to go in and eat. Which we did. It was just like Amityville's Youth Center.

We finished and as change the guy gave me a 1971 50 cent piece. That really blew my mind. I just looked at it for about 5 minutes.

We finally left and went along kissing again. I kept joking about the motels (there were millions of them) and how the Volks probably wouldn't start. She kinda half wished it wouldn't. We kept making public scenes in stores and on the streets. We would have stayed in Port Angeles if it weren't for Karen.


We went up to the Community College and rested in the lounge. We had found the laundry and the shopping center and it was kinda late so she said we should go back to the car and do the laundry and the shopping.

We walked all over town again to find the car. I had completely forgotten where I parked it (That's only because of you, Christy). I knew it was downtown but I didn't know where. We passed the knick-knack store again and so I went in and bought her a friendship ring I had seen. It was something I wanted to do before but didn't.

We found the car and saw a meter maid making out a ticket on it. I paid the ticket in a little box that was there and we drove off to find the laundry which we had forgotten where it was (Very poor Grammer). As I was driving I saw another laundromat and a shopping center.

We put the clothes in the laundry, and walked over to the shopping market. We felt like two newlyweds in there. She still (and acted) kept kissing me. It got to the point where I finally told her it wasn't the place and I'd give her a chance to kiss me all she wanted to tonight.

We just held hands and I, her waist, and kissed only a little. She was getting me quite excited. I really didn't want to wait till tonight to do anything with her. I wanted her right then.

We finished shopping, then went to check the laundry. After we moved the car behind the store and did a little necking while the clothes were being washed. Ten minutes later we stopped and put them in the dryer. Again we went out and necked.

Ohhh, I wanted her. We kept going out and necking, then going back and looking at the laundry. Finally the laundry finished and Christy said we should go home. We were several hours overdue.


I kept going too fast on the road. Also I was paying too much attention to her. I kept jokingly suggesting making side trips. She was holding my arm as I was driving. It was so nice.

We pulled over once and kissed and held each other. All the way back she worried about Karen - Would she be angry at us? Would she understand? I kept trying to unsuccessfully reassure her.

When we got back we saw Karen sitting in the car, wet, with everything all packed up. I was very worried. I had never seen a woman looking so angry. I thought she was going to grab Christy, push her into the car, and take off.


It turned out that they had a huge downpour and wind storm. Karen had packed everything in the rain thinking that we would be right back. We were about 5 hours overdue. She was worried and had called the police about an accident.

With help from Murray (whom I'll describe later) I convinced Karen and Christy to stay. I think it would have killed me if they had left then. I fixed the Volks so that one person could sleep there. Christy and I wanted to sleep together. I was supposed to fix the Volks for two people - Karen and Christy.

We ate supper, got Karen to change into something warm, and then did the dishes. (Before supper Murray came by to say he was going down to the beach. 5 minutes later Karen excused herself to go down also. That greatly reassured Christy and set the tone for the evening. That's why Christy slept with me that night.

The girls started cleaning themselves and preparing themselves for bed.

It was with very, very, very great pleasure that I watched Christy preparing herself for me. You could see in her eyes the pleasure and anticipation. I had heard that it gets a man excited to see a woman preparing herself for intercourse but I never knew how exciting and pleasurable it was. She looked just beautiful.

And so began a night of great pleasure but also disappointment. When we were in P.A. she told me she couldn't come with me. She wanted to but she felt she owed her parents something. However, if she got drunk, and woke up in California, she might change her mind.


In order to effect that I had gone to the Camp Store before going home and bought a bottle of Cold Duck - figuring to get her drunk, break camp, leave a note for Karen (or speak to her) and leave.

However because the only way I could get them to stay was to offer to have them sleep in my Volkswagen, I had ruined that. I was damn angry at myself for not realizing.

In any case, Christy liked the Cold Duck and we sat in the tent drinking (after popping the cork, which Karen heard; she was listening to us) and laughing and giggling for a while. We kissed. Then we drank some more and I had her take her blouse and bra off. She was happy, co-operative. She liked it. (She had showed me how the bra snapped together the night before after I had a lot of trouble with it.)

At first she hadn't wanted me to look at her but after a while she let me. She has very pretty breasts. They're nice, not too big. They go well with her face and the rest of her body. (Which everyone out here calls “bod“). I too took my shirts off. (Actually I had her take them off.)

Then we lay like that for about an hour - kissing, fondling, and holding each other. We only talked a little. Then I groped for the bottle (which had fallen over) and told her to drink up - “finish it“. Together with her doing most of the drinking we finished it. She didn't show any signs of being drunk at all.


After we finished drinking we took all our clothes off. That's how we spent the night. Our lips were sore from all the previous kissing so we didn't kiss too much.

Anyway about 7:00 am in the morning, after trying to sleep for one hour, we got up, got dressed, (slowly, I kept pushing her down and kissing her again), and went to the bathroom. When we got back we woke Karen up and had breakfast.

Note added October 18th, 1971:

We pulled off because she kept tickling me and then holding me and then she tried to kiss me. After several attempts and after a futile defense by me by me, she succeeded. Several times. Naturally I was going all over the road. (This was on Rt 101 - small 2 lane road, winding, and hilly. And with those frigging logging trucks.)

That's why we pulled off and kissed and tickled each other. Christy really knows how to drive a guy wild with desire.

Note add October 18th, 1971:

She practically had a halo shining around, so radiant with happiness was her face. Seldom in one's lifetime is one granted this pleasure of seeing such a happy person.

Drinking age is 21 (I was 20 years old....)

We gave Mortimer some too. He liked it. But he never got drunk. We laughed at him about it.

Note added October 18th, 1971:

She told me later I had gotten her really excited and at several points could have laid her without any objections. She wouldn't have liked that the next morning though why I didn't find out till later. (She wanted to remain a virgin till marriage.)

She didn't mean to go that far but she trusted me and I was apparently sexually attractive and stimulating to her.

That's probably why she didn't let me do terribly much when I saw her again in Seattle. Also we never had an opportunity to do much while in the city. If I wasn't so dumb I would have rented a motel room. Curse your stupidity. E.T.B.

That was a delightful way to dress!