Kalaloch Campground, Olympic National Park, WA


Woke up. Went over to see if the girls were up and the fire lit. No. Wanted to tell Murray to get that fire built but he was nowhere to be found - Not on beach clamming like he said he was going to do. Was going to build it myself but finally decided not to. I hadn't promised and maybe later they'd like me for keeping my word.

Ate my breakfast. Later when they woke up either I went over and talked to them (The journal got way behind because of Christy, Sandy, and Margie.) Murray came back and we joked about the cigarettes. That's right.

The girls invited me to bacon and eggs. Their bacon was spoiled so we used mine. Good breakfast.


After that we went walking around looking for a camp spot for them. There were none - the good ones (in the girls opinion) were all taken. They decided to stay where they were for another day.

I went back to my camp. Ate lunch, wrote some in my journal. Went on the Nature Forest walk. Ranger girl was from New York. She seemed a little interested in me. She was giving the campfire that night so I went. She had brought her boyfriend. She was also a poor public speaker. She let it drag and wasn't too interesting. She really knew her botany though.

Later Murray and I walked the camp but nothing was happening. We both went to bed early.

These are the girls that finally found a nickname for me “Doc
I'm glad.