Seattle, WA


After leaving Christy's at 12:05 A.M. (which is why this is labeled J. 29) I headed down past Seattle to Saltwater Park. They had closed at 10 P.M. The gate was locked. So I headed back up the road looking for a place to pull over and spend the night. (No supper that night.)

After stopping in a gas station and getting chased out, I pulled in behind a tavern. It seemed safe enough to park there and sleep. Which is what I did. Next morning I woke up.


I was supposed to call Christy sometime in the afternoon so I had quite a few hours to kill. Still not having breakfast I went into town and headed for the ferries. Walked along the dock section, then up a series of stairs past some drunks. Because of what I had heard about Seattle from Margie and Sandy I was a little afraid. However it wasn't bad at all.

I walked all over town that day just looking at places. Stopped in at the YMCA but it cost $45 a night to stay there - way too expensive.


I saw Seattle's huge 50 story office building. Then I went through the Market. The top part is just a fruit, meat, and fish market. The bottom is an antique - hippie store area. It's very like Greenwich Village used to be. It's a very groovy hip place. I wandered through it several times.


Finally at 2 O'clock when I was way in the Northeast section of the town I got through to Christy. As I walked back to the car I bought a guitar to add to the army jacket I finally picked up to help keep me warm. (As I'm writing this in California I predict I won't get much practical use out of it. It's only 100 degrees here.)

Then I went to pick up Christy. She decided, after quite a search, to go to the zoo. It was very nicely laid out. It was clean, open, happy animals. It wasn't as extensive as our zoos but it was much, much nicer to go to.

We were fooling around with each other all the time. When night came we went to a pizza parlor. It was very nice and jovial there. The two of us shared a cheesy pizza. I had a glass of beer. That place would really have been jumping if there were lots of people - it was somewhat like Bobby Macs.


Afterward she showed me a beach where everyone goes to get picked up. It was crowded. There must have been 200 cars there. There ain't nothing like that in New York. Imagine a beach for the local teenagers to go to get picked up!

Afterwards we looked for a place to make out. I was lost - I didn't know any. Christy suggested up the hill in another parking lot. It was semi-decent. There were other cars there. I moved things around in the back seat and we went back. Put the sleeping bag down and got in. She didn't want to go too far and too many cars came by to let us be really secure and uninhibited.

She was worried about the cops because she once got a lecture on being lewd in a public place. All I did was pull up her blouse and unhook her bra. I also loosened her pants. She, in return, kept trying to get me horny because that's what I was doing to her. It was nice having her hand down there but she always stopped too soon.


She kept getting better in that area all the time, though. We lost track of the time and were late getting home. It didn't worry her though. I guess it was alright for her to get home late once in a while.

That night I slept in the Athletic field below her house - a perfect place for making out. I told her about it the next day. She never realized it.

She once made out in a cemetery - interesting idea.

Had a pretty good nights sleep.

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Remember Christy's deep sexy voice?

*** What can I say? Better was so nice!