Seattle, WA


Picked up Christy at 9:30 - was supposed to be there at 9:00. Hadn't had breakfast so she fed me. I ended up cooking it myself.

Afterwards we were going to some under seas gardens. They didn't exist anymore though. We walked along the waterfront, admiring the boats. Afterwards we went to a beach - she bought her bathing suit with her. She picked the wrong beach though. Too many people and no beach - all rocks with railroad tracks alongside. There were woods nearby.


As we were looking for a place to make out I took the lead and started looking for a place. I eventually found one on a small path that was out of the way a little. Spread out the blanket. As we were just getting involved a troop of children came by down the road singing - we laughed. How nice to make out to music. One more time she goofed and picked a bad place - too many people. We were always stopping and looking to see if anyone was around.


We had fun trying to get each other horny. She had a blouse with three buttons, then a space (conveniently placed over her breasts), and then three more buttons. I showed her how convenient it was. She was better at getting me horny and I was better at getting her bra unhooked. We rolled all over, tried different positions, showed each other what to do, where and how.

Finally we got tired of all the interruptions and got up to leave. She didn't want to go down by some boys playing with a model airplane - she thought their fathers were there and we'd get arrested. That's just how she was.

We went to another park to play Frisbee. We did for a while then we swung on the swings. She was worried about her skirt which several hours before had presented me with no problem at all.


Afterwards we went over to Farrells, an ice cream parlor in about the same elegance as the Steak House. It was really nice. We had a sundae which we split. Then we went back to the car and kissed goodbye.

I took her back over her bumpy road to her house and left. She was a very nice girl. I wish I had been able to convince her to come to California with me.


I went down the street to look up some laundromats. (It was about 4:00). Wrote down their addresses, then turned the corner and there was one. Did my laundry and wrote up the journal some. (This is written July 3).

Then went back to Saltwater. Made supper (franks, good), washed dishes, built a poor fire out of the wood they provided. Tried calling Sandy and Margie. No answer. So I stayed up playing a tiny bit on the guitar. Finally went to bed out in the open again.

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