Las Vegas, Nevada


Woke up early in the morning, ate bacon and egg breakfast and started packing. That soft spoken Maryland girl came over and we sat and talked for some time. Then, when the sun had dried the dew on the tarp, she got up and we said goodbye. I finally finished packing. It took a long time.

I said goodbye to the three groovy people, who were staying, and then slowly left. Stopped in at the group camp area but they had left. Combed my hair and filled the water jug. Slowly took off again.


The Volks just didn't have any power. It was terrible. Everyone was passing me. I finally got down to Williams and headed along 66 back west towards Kingman. It took ages and ages and ages. I was dying of the heat too. Drank 3 sodas in 150 miles. Was all hilly, cliffy, soft hills, flat land that had small trees on it. Not very much grew there.

Then I turned off to Las Vegas on US 93 466. Then I started passing through desert! There was maybe 1 bush every five feet. They were all about 1 foot high. 90 percent were dead and brown. And it was hot - 100 - 110 degrees.


By now I had learned to tie open the engine compartment door while traveling so it didn't overheat as much.

It wasn't too bad while you were moving - only your arms and forehead were sweaty. But when you stopped it was like a heat blast hitting you. You immediately start sweating all over.

Then from the flat rolling country I came into a region of dull, dark red craggy, sharp peaks. That is the closest to Hell I've ever come. Everything was just baking. Wow it was hot. The land here is murderous.


Passed over Hoover Dam which was impressive and which I'll describe later after I visit it. Went to one camp, after passing Rangers patrolling and pulling people over, and got to talking to the Ranger. When I said swimming, he suggested another campground seven miles away. So I went. I was dying in the heat.

When I got there I cooked supper, because I was hungry, finally got Mortimer back after he jumped out of the car (the heat is worse for him than for me. I pity him but can't help him much.)


Then I went down to the beach. I decided, as I got there, to go swimming no matter how cold it was in order to wash the sweat off of me. I took my shirt and stuff off and went it. It was quite warm. I swam around in the dark for about 1/2 to 1 hour. When I got out the air was still very hot. I didn't even wear my shirt.

There was a thunderstorm passing through and it was beautiful to watch the lightning from the water. After I got out I went to the evening program. Due to the storm and high winds it was canceled a little while after it started. A Ranger went around in a car advising everyone to tie their camping equipment down due to 50 mph winds.

I only had the supper things out. Put them away and drank another Dr Pepper - 4 cold drinks in 2 hrs. Was still not cooled off either. Still had no shirt on. Even though it was windy I was still hot. I set up the tent.

Then I wandered around camp, to the snack bar, and to the beach. Couldn't get cooled off. I was very tired because of the heat too. Finally, half fainting, half falling asleep, I went back and blew up the air mattress. Never slept well because of the bugs and heat. Ugh.


This is written Aug. 23. It will all be edited and reflective. For a long time I did not feel like keeping the journal up.

Part of it was because it was too hot, part because I was sick, part because I was busy and had not enough vacant, relaxing time, and part because I had other people with me. Mostly it was because I just didn't feel like it.


Right now I'm sitting at Bitter Lake Park waiting for an 8:00 o'clock date with Christy. She does something to me. I wish I could convince her to come to N.Y. with me. It would do me a helluva good and would give both of us a helluva time. We'd love it.

I wish I could say, “Will you marry me Christy?“ but the feeling just isn't in me. I'm not really ready for marriage either. Too much responsibility and care for me at the present time. I never knew how hard it was to be on your own, much less how hard to take care of/be responsible for someone else.

I can do it but I prefer the easier way of letting someone else take care of me. I have to learn how to worry less. I'm beginning to accept the fact that worrying doesn't help but it's a long hard road to follow.

Remember the 1 can of Coors Beer that affected me so much because of the speed I drank it at and my empty stomach?

Was 105 degrees there. I won the guess I made with the Ranger. He said it could easily go to 115 degrees.

Rained a little