San Francisco, California


Woke up early. Was packing up when the people next door offered to give me coffee - gladly accepted. They were very nice. The kids loved playing with the cat. It was an unexpected delight to get that free meal. Delicious freeze dried coffee.

Then I packed up and left. I was headed for San Francisco - another drive that didn't look long (200 miles) but took a long time because of the roads. It seemed that almost all of California is hills. It only has one big valley - the Sacramento Valley.

Picked up a hitch hiker and stopped for lunch with him. He was interested in going to New York with me. Have to think about it.


Left 101 at Petaluma to go to Pt Reyes Natl Seashore - all filled up. Went south to Mt Tamalpais. Couldn't find it. Got on 1 which is a very scenic, winding, up and down, mountain road along the Coast - It's more beautiful than words can possibly describe. Was surprised I didn't run off the cliff looking at it.


Then I went into S.F. itself. Millions of cars all over - Traffic is just like New York. Kept picking up hitch hikers of which there were millions also. Went over Golden Gate Bridge - Bay is absolutely beautiful. Will have to pick up some postcards which won't do justice to the area anyway. You have to see it and the people yourself. Never saw so many freaky people in my life.

Car has to be serviced - it misses a beat once in a while.


Went to another camp 50 miles below S.F. - was also full. Tried to double up with someone but had no luck - got hostile reactions. Went back up and looked at group camp area. It looked like I could sneak in there after dark.

Went back up the road and did a little hiking and talking to some hippies. Wrote postcards till dark. Was sitting there when a Ranger came by. We talked for a while then he had to go - he was from New York - he suggested I sleep up the road a ways which I did. Had a very uncomfortable night. Woke up at 6 A.M.

Remember beautiful Route 1. Don't try driving it at night.