Wheeler Gorge Campground, near Ojai, California

Spent day in camp. Was sure letter from Mary would come today, it didn't. Was very disappointed. What could be taking so long? Maybe she didn't get my letter? I thought of calling her but that would be expensive. Eventually I didn't do it.

Also didn't call any of the numbers of the people wanting to go to N.Y.


The Ranger gave back that Swiss Army knife I found a week ago. Nobody claimed it. It's new and needs sharpening.

I played the guitar some then wandered down to the stream in search of those two girls who keep coming by. Eventually I found a big swimming hole where they and some other people were. It's in the canyon. Sandbags were placed across it forming a dam. It's 3 ft deep there and about 6 ft deep at the other end. There are rocks around that you can go diving off of and places to sunbathe. I went swimming and diving. It was fun and relaxing.


The water in the streams around here is warm. Its nice to just sit in it. A dog came and went swimming and diving, too. Then some local young kids drinking beer came and went skinny-dipping. They ruined the pleasant, friendly atmosphere of the place with their crude language and behavior. It was more like “The Old Swimming Hole“ with them there.

Went back to camp. My glands in my throat are all swollen up. They hurt. It hurts to swallow also. Hope they get better.