Wheeler Gorge Campground, near Ojai, California


Woke up and found the camp - it was actually a picnic ground. Went into L.A. I don't remember what I did for breakfast. Went to a restaurant and, as usual, had pancakes.

Then I went to the L.A. Arboretum. Was nice. They wanted you to walk on the grass. I couldn't get used to that. They had all sorts of tropical plants there. I walked around for several hours. I was hot and sweaty.

I went to Caltech and took a shower there. They had nice, but old, buildings there. Also had some new ones.


After that I went to Traveltown museum - had railroad engines there. Also went to the live steamers that they had next door. They were interesting and smelly. It's amazing how much work is done on them. They're very detailed. It's closed off though - you can't go in and see them close up. A Rather Exclusive Club.

Then I went to Anna's house. Met her parents, ate supper - hard boiled eggs, french fried potatoes, and root beer sundae. Then we took off and started driving.


It was hot but not too hot. Drove all through the night. Stopped in at a little place to rest and get something to drink around 11:00. Had a hassle over beer. Finally had some iced tea. Bought gas.

Around 5:00 A.M. we pulled into a camp near Williams N.M. It's right near Flagstaff where you turn off for the Grand Canyon. We slept for a couple of hours.

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