Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona


Scrambled eggs don't cook well in a rounded pot. Went for a walk along the Canyon rim. Was still as impressive as it was several years ago.

Side Note - The “several years ago“refers to trip around the Western United States with my Mom and the six kids in the green Chevy station wagon. I think I was 15 at that time. My brother and I hiked down to the bottom of the Grand Canyon one day and back up the next, carrying cans of food for a week...that my Mom put in our pack!


There are many more people however - 10 million visitors last year. They had heavy snow a year and 1/2 ago. A lot of trees were broken.

I think the G.C. is the best place to go to watch a lightning-thunderstorm. They are really beautiful here. They seem to have them almost all the time, too.

The potatoes are going bad. I've been trying to use them up. Added water to the bacon fat. Something went wrong. Potatoes wouldn't get brown. They tasted good though. Tried making potato patties today. Didn't work. They stuck to the pan. Franks for supper as usual.


A little boy and his older female relative (what do you call a female cousin?) came over to visit the cat. They stayed for a while. Was nice.

Also a German couple came over and talked for a long time. I had been listening to them speak German in their campsite next door. When they came over they spoke English. Well, too. You have to learn 3 foreign languages in Germany. Wow. You need them though. He was working for Porsche as a management student. Was studying here. We talked for several hours till dark. Then I cooked supper and they went to bed.


Afterwards I played more on the guitar. (I can play “This Old Man“ without more than 3 mistakes per time) then, since the moon was out, I went down to the Canyon to see it by moonlight. Was absolutely beautiful. Was tired when I went to bed but I didn't sleep well at all.
